7. Daimler-Benz Was Founded In 1926 With The Help Of Deutsche Bank.


The First World War had ended, and a global economic crisis began all over the world. Daimler and Benz & Cie, Germany’s two oldest and largest automobile factories, were struggling economically, despite employing more than 15,000 people in total and selling 6000 cars worth 104 million marks yearly.


At the beginning of the 1920s, there were 121 automobile companies producing passenger cars in Germany. The competition was at the highest level.

Moreover, in the post-war period, many European countries imposed high import duties on German products. Entities prevented companies from participating in automobile fairs. DMG and Benz & Cie, exporting more than half of their cars, were affected by the loss of foreign customers.

In 1927, there were only 19 car manufacturers left in Germany.


The situation eventually led the two car companies, competing for three decades with different brands, to a merger, and they formed one of the most valuable brands in the world: Mercedes-Benz!


The brand’s combination logo consisted of Daimler’s Mercedes star and Benz’s laurel wreath.


The strengthened corporate structure secured its future and resulted in more compact and affordable vehicles, such as the innovative Mercedes-Benz 170 (W 15) in 1931. It is considered the early forerunner of the Mercedes-Benz C-Class tradition of Daimler-Benz.